Why support this cause?

Did you know:

  • One in four high school age girls in the United States does not graduate?
  • 150 million girls under age 18 are victims of sexual violence each year?
  • The biggest issues facing girls today are violence, negative body image and bullying?

Soroptimist International of the Americas learned this, and much more, through research conducted with girls around the world. And then they went to work developing a program to address the issues girls face. Soroptimist Dream it, Be it: Career Support for Girls (DIBI) is one of our signature “Dream” programs developed to help teen girls develop the confidence they need to pursue their dreams.

The full 7-module program to girls ages 14 to 18 years as a free one-day conference:

  • Discover Their Dreams
  • Explore Careers
  • Create Achievable Goals
  • Rise Above Obstacles
  • Turning Failure into Success
  • Balancing Your Stress
  • Putting Dreams into Action

Soroptimist International of Eugene is dedicated to helping as many women and girls as we can.


  1. Increase the number of girls who feel prepared to pursue their career goals.
  2. Increase the number of girls who feel comfortable creating achievable goals.
  3. Increase the number of girls who have tools to overcome obstacles to success.
  4. Increase the number of girls who understand the importance of resilience.
  5. Increase the number of girls who can connect personal values with possible careers.
  6. Increase the number of girls who feel more confident about their future success.
  7. Increase the number of girls who have professional role models.